Monday, February 12, 2024

Location: Schauer Arts Center | 147 N. Rural St. | Ruth A. Knoll Theater
Instructor: Missoula Children's Theatre Staff
Monday, February 12, 2024
4:00 pm-6:00 pm
Tuition: Audition participation is free. Tuition of $90 Cast/$60 Crew is required only if student is cast in the show. Tuition is due Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Tuition includes two complimentary tickets.
The Missoula Children's Theatre presents Cinderella. Each year, Missoula Children's Theatre drives a little red truck all the way from Montana to the Schauer Center. Two professional MCT tour actors/directors hold public auditions, casting local school-age children in an hour-long original musical. The cast rehearses for a week and then performs a fully staged and costumed show.
Audition Information: Pre-registration for the audition is recommended. The audition begins promptly at 4:00pm and no one will be admitted to the audition after 4:00pm. Group style audition lasts 90-120 minutes, facilitated by the Missoula staff members. Families may stay to watch the audition. No advance preparation for the audition is necessary. Approximately 50-60 roles are available for local students and casting will be announced immediately following the audition. Auditionees should bring a bag lunch, so they are able to begin rehearsing that afternoon if they are cast in the show.
Rehearsals: Following the audition and casting on Monday, Feb 12, an exact rehearsal schedule for each participant will be distributed. The possible rehearsal times that your child may be required to attend are Monday, February 12-Friday, February 16 between 4:00pm and 8:15pm.
Students cast in the show must be available for all rehearsals and performances—no exceptions.
Performances: Friday, February 16, 7:00 pm | Saturday, February 17, 2:00 pm
Questions? Contact Education Director at or 262-670-0560 x6
Prior to the audition, please complete and return the 2023-2024 Schauer School of the Arts Waiver electronically via email to Education Director at If this isn't convenient for you, you may also bring a hard copy to the box office M-F 12:00-5:00 pm, or to the first day of class and give to the instructor. Blank waiver forms will be available for you during those times if needed.